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DCC Executive Session Minutes 2003-05-19


A special meeting of the County of Dukes County Commissioners was scheduled for Monday, May 19, 2003 at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room of the County Administration Building, notice of such meeting having been posted as required by law.

Commissioners Present:  John Alley, Chairman; Roger Wey; Leslie Leland; Robert Sawyer; Nelson Smith; and Paul Strauss
Absent: Leonard Jason, Jr.      
Also Present:  Diane Abbot, Joanna Jernegan, Marsha Smolev      
Chairman Alley brought the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. and mentioned the need to schedule a Budget Review meeting.  The meeting was tentatively scheduled for
May 27, 2003.

Chairman Alley stated that the Commissioners needed to go into Executive Session to finish developing non-union employee contract negotiation for the new County Manager, and would not return to Public Session.  

Roll call vote to go into executive session and not reconvene in public session:
Sawyer – yes
Wey - yes
Smith – yes
Strauss - yes
Leland – yes
Alley - yes

Ms. Jernegan left at 7:35 p.m.
The Commissioners thanked Ms. Abbot for her work.

Ms. Perry’s present salary was noted.  There was discussion about Ms. Perry’s credentials, namely verifying her degree from Northeastern University.  Chairman Alley would discuss the matter with Ms. Perry.

The draft Contract was reviewed.  Mr. Sawyer recommended several changes, some of which were made. Other small changes were made, the goal being to avoid difficulties as had been experienced in the past.  Commissioner Sawyer asked that the Minutes reflect that changes were being discussed in reference to the position, not the person.

Salary was discussed with the Commissioners agreeing on a non-negotiable salary of $65,000.  If there were issues, the Commissioners asked Chairman Alley to bring them back to the Board since he would be having the salary discussion with Ms. Perry.

Commissioner Sawyer asked that Alternate Dispute Arbitration be included in the Contract. After discussion, the Commissioners were polled about it.  Commissioners Sawyer and Nelson voted in the affirmative and the other four Commissioners in the negative, but it was unclear whether the Commissioners were voting to include the arbitration clause or to ask Attorney Gilman about it. When re-polled stating the question was to ask Attorney Gilman to draft language to include, the vote remained the two Commissioners Sawyer and Smith in favor with Commissioners Wey, Strauss, Leland and Alley in opposition so the matter was dropped.  

The Commissioners agreed to sign the Contract after Chairman Alley got Ms. Perry’s signature.

There was a Roll Call vote to end Executive Session:
Sawyer – yes
Wey - yes
Smith – yes
Strauss - yes
Leland – yes
Alley – yes

The meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m.
